
Health Outreach to the Middle East (H.O.M.E.) is a Christian, interdenominational organization that exists to bring physical, psychological and spiritual healing to poor and suffering people in the Middle East in the name of Christ.

H.O.M.E. currently supports 18 low-cost, Christian medical clinics, hospitals and medical projects throughout the Middle East in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Sudan with hopes to expand in the near future to the United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Bahrain and more into North Africa.

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Reaching the suffering.

For a multitude of reasons, from civil wars, political and economic difficulties and resource scarcity, many impoverished people live in this part of the world and are deprived of appropriate healthcare. The mission of H.O.M.E. is to provide adequate and high quality healthcare services to even the poorest of the poor.

Sharing the cure.

What sets H.O.M.E. apart from other non-profit and faith-based organizations is the fact that its leaders are Bible-believing physicians who are themselves from the Middle East and are also well connected with other health care workers from that part of the world. 

Having a heart for the hurting.

Founded in 1990, H.O.M.E. was birthed by God in the hearts of Middle Eastern Christians in North America, as the answer to His calling to share the healing love of Christ with all the peoples of the Middle East, regardless of their race, color, religion, or geographical/political status.

Local chapters in North America

The Local Branch consists of all the local chapters of H.O.M.E. in North America.  It is the responsibility of these chapters to share the H.O.M.E. vision with area believers, to help with the general fundraising efforts of H.O.M.E., and to support specific projects in the Middle East.  These local chapters serving as points of contact for H.O.M.E. members to assist the people of the Middle East are based in the following locations:

  • Houston, TX,
  • Dallas/Fort Worth, TX,
  • Chicago, IL,
  • Memphis, TN,
  • Washington, D.C.,
  • Los Angeles, CA, and
  • The tri-state area of West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio

To connect with one of these chapters, or for more information on starting a chapter in your area, please contact us at [email protected]. Additionally, provisions are available for private support. Visit our Support page for more information.

Canada Chapter

Canada Chapter

Medical Mission for the Middle East (MMMO) is an interfaith Christian organization working among the poor in the Middle East to relieve and heal physically, psychologically, and spiritually in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.